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🌸Currently in Development

A small, object-oriented programming language that's a joy to use.

  • Small

    Zaid maintains a small footprint (less than 10 MB), making it portable and great for single-board computers.

  • Embeddable

    Extend and build applications in Go utilizing Zaid as your scripting language.

  • Object-oriented

    In Zaid's little universe, the atoms that make up all matter are objects, fully equipped with their own methods and properties.

example code

From the blog

v1.0.7 Released

A new release is available for download. Check out the changelog to see what's new.

v1.0.5 Released

A new pre-release is available for download. Check out the changelog to see what's new.

v1.0.4 Released

A new pre-release is available for download. Check out the changelog to see what's new.

Implementing A Range Operator Into Zaidlang

In this post we'll show how easy it is to extend and build new functionality into Zaidlang by adding a new range operator .. into the core language.